Clash detection is a critical part of every project design review, and, in our experience, has a great positive impact on construction time as almost all potential design conflicts are solved before reaching the construction site. In traditional 2D design processes, visualization is extremely difficult and therefore, typically, many geometric conflicts between building elements are created which are hard to detect and are usually left to be solved at the construction site.
Our solutions incorporate a clash detection engine which can perform geometric conflict analyses against any given number of groups of elements. The engine is responsible for detecting all cases of physically impossible relationships between building elements, such as when geometry of one element goes through another element. This is indicative to various design flaws which can be mended well before the project design documents reach the construction site.
A conflict analysis process starts with the detection of clashes in the BIM model, when the reports are sent to the Client. Once the Client performs design changes in order to solve the issue in question, the BIM model is modified based on the new design. The process ends with the verification of the new design.
- Clash Reports, consisting of:
- 2D drawings with marked area of clashes;
- 3D BIM model with highlighted conflicts;
- Screenshots, exported from detailed 3D BIM model, showing clashes in design documentation;
- Reports with specified numbers of clashes within and between different trades;
- Analysis of inconsistences in design documentation:
- Analysis of design documents in terms of their mutual spatial consistence (architecture structure vs. services, plans vs. sections etc);
- Presentation and visualization of clashes in our software by CAD MASTERS engineers, on regular coordination meetings with project designers during both the design and the construction phase of the project;
- Update of BIM model after clashes are resolved, and final verification report