Infrastructure(Alex Branch)

Infrastructure(Alex Branch)

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10 / 30 Sunday - Tuesday /
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Bentley’s water, wastewater, and storm water products continue to deliver excellence in hydrologic and
hydraulic system analysis and design. These products are deployed across the full plan, design, operate, and
maintain lifecycle of water resource infrastructure to optimize designs, manage leaks, prioritize investments,
manage energy consumption, and enhance operations workflows.
∙ The main objective of the water supply system is to provide adequate storage capacity to supply potable
water for the buildings & commercial areas with adequate quantity and pressure, and with minimum
construction and operation costs, complete with necessary provisions to meet the fluctuating
demands of the site.
∙ The main objective of wastewater collection systems is to convey the domestic wastewater from its
sources to the public sewage collection, then to a location where it may be treated and ultimately
reclaimed for reuse or recycling.
∙ The main objective of a storm drainage system is to prevent the accumulation and retention of water on
paved and parking areas.
Bentley offers a streamlined utility network design and management product with Bentley Utilities Designer.
This product is a comprehensive design and GIS‐based management application for electric, gas, water, and
wastewater networks and can be configured to integrate with a variety of GIS and WMS systems. Bentley
Utilities Designer is fully integrated with WaterGEMS, SewerGEMS and other programs like HAMMER,
FlowMaster, and InfraWizard.