Graphic Design Principles

Graphic Design Principles

Graphic Design principles


Training details

(1) Graphic Design (the field):

To enrich the students knowledge with must-be-known information such as what is graphic design, in addition to the graphic designer and his missions.

(2) Graphic Design history:

To have a trip through the amazing graphic design history from the beginning till now.

(3) Design Thinking:

Learn how to think of the design, and how to generate ideas easily.

(4) Layout- Design Sketching:

To know how layout any design in addition to how to sketch the design first on paper.

(5) Typography:

To enable the designer to choose the best fonts for the design and how to deal with text.

(6) Color theory:

How to pick colors for the design.

(7) Tools and techniques:

To know the tools and programs used in the graphic design industry.

(8)Print and preparation:

How to prepare design for the printing process.

(9) Portfolio & interview- Career development:

How to make a portfolio and how to survive in design business to develop your career to the best.